Wednesday, April 3, 2013

homemade cloth diaper wipes

         When I started cloth diapering I was told that eventually I would want to switch to cloth wipes also. I really didn't believe it. I was so grossed out by the thought of throwing a poop filled piece of cloth into a diaper pail then into the washing machine. During the next three months I kept going back and forth on the idea. Finally I thought I'm going to make my own that way if I don't like it then I'm out no money and I don't feel obligated to use them. So while at my Dad's house for Christmas my Step-mom, Susan pulled out her serger and we got to work.  
         To make it even more cost efficient I used my old flannel receiving blankets for material. I simply cut the material into 8x8 squares the night before. The next day while the kid-o's played with Grandpa, Susan and I took two squares right sides out and serged up each side. It was so much fun and surprisingly rewarding to make them myself. 
           I love using my homemade wipes. And there is no poop filled cloth; that was very dramatic thinking! lol In fact I find them to be less messy than disposable wipes because cloth wipes don't smear the poop around my little guy's bum. I have a diaper wipes warmer so I just roll each wipe up and put them in there. I've been buying California baby wipes solution but my local Target just stopped carrying it . I going to have to find a replacement for that. I still keep some disposable wipes around for outings and faces. But all in all love my cloth wipes. Now the hubby on the other hand still does not like using them. Oh well I do most the changes anyways!

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