Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Spectacular Giveaway

Since the release of The Great Gatsby to theaters retro lovers are all a buzz about the 1920's again! I am so happy to say that the 1920's are all the rage right now. I recently found a wonderful blog about the love of vintage and Jessica is hosting a book giveaway! Go take a gander at Chronically Vintage for this spectacular giveaway; the book, A Spear of Summer Grass, is set in the 1920's and sounds like a beautiful read. So go enter to win...you know I am! http://www.chronicallyvintage.com/2013/05/book-giveaway-and-review-spear-of.html#comment-form

 photo aspearofsummergrass_zps9d45f0b2.jpg

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your lovely post about, and taking part in, this great book giveaway, dear Jennifer, I sincerely appreciate it.

    Best of luck!
    ♥ Jessica
