Thursday, May 16, 2013

different diapering options

There are many ways to cloth diaper your babe. I am only going to tell you about the ones I use just because I want to let you in on the things I know. I wouldn't want to give advice or knowledge on something I'm just not knowledgeable on. lol Let's go right into shall we...

Flip Diapers
Here is Flip hybrid system. It combines the ease of  a pocket with the affordability of a prefold. Since you only buy one cover and three inserts its a little less money than buying one pocket. It has the snaps in front so you can adjust it for baby (birth to 35lbs) The way you use it is take the cover and line it with either a soaker (they come in reusable or disposable) or the organic prefold. The way I did it is disposable when we go out, reusable around the house and organic prefold at night. I don't use this system very much anymore no particular reason it's just not my favorite.

glow bug diapers
Glowbug Cloth Diapers

This is a very popular choice the pocket diaper. I have a lot of these because they are the first ones I got turned onto. They have adjustable snaps down the front so they can go from birth to potty training or 35 pounds. They come in all kinds of adorable prints. They use a fabric called PUL and this makes them waterproof. To use the pocket diaper you just stuff the inside with a soaker pad. When baby's done you take out the soaker and put both into your diaper pail. You can add more soaker if you need more absorbency. Great diaper but not favorite. 

homemade cloth diapers

The these are cloth diapers I've made. It's really pretty simple to make. I've made a few more and given them as gifts. I make mine with a hidden layer of PUL so I can have them waterproof and I can use the fun fabrics I find. I also really like the all in one so that's how I made these. I  do like them I've tailor made them just for me but they are not my favorite.

thirsties diapers

So here is my Favorite. I love these Thirsties duo all in one. Even hubby said  he wishes it was the first dipe we had bought. It's really all in stuffing, no covers, no prefolds just one dipe to do it all. You can see how the soaker is sewn to the inside and of course this is also made with PUL so it doesn't need a cover. I love the prints and colors. One little draw back  is it takes a little longer to dry. So not a big deal.  I definitely recommend these!

Well here it is folks I hope you enjoyed cloth diaper week and I hope it gave you a place to start your own cloth diaper journey!

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